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Meet Us @ Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis-India (APA) 2019 Conference

APA India 2019

February 13, 2019

We are pleased to announce that PREMIER Biosoft is participating in the Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis-India (APA) 2019 Conference organized by the Boston Society at the Novotel Goa Resort and Spa, India from February 24-26, 2019. This year’s theme is: Recent Advances and Innovations in Drug Development and Delivery for Therapeutic Small Molecules and Biologics.

We are presenting a poster titled, "Automated Evaluation of Glycosylation Profile of Glycoengineered Monoclonal antibodies using LC-MS Methods with SimGlycan" on February 25, 2019. The poster explains how SimGlycan is useful for qualitative and quantitative glycomics analysis facilitating comparison of glycosylation patterns between genetically engineered human mAb and chemically engineered mAb samples.

The Applied Pharmaceutical Analysis (APA) Conference is committed to innovations in Integrated Pharmaceutical Product, Drug Discovery and Development Process. The conference showcases research work in the field of bio analysis. The APA 2019 conference attracts a large number of delegates comprising of eminent scientists, clinicians, pharmacists and academia working for the same cause.

For more details on APA Conference, 2019. Please visit: https://www.bostonsociety.org/APA-India/

We look forward to meeting you at APA 2019!

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