Oct. 18, 2008, PREMIER Biosoft Releases SimGlycan® Version 2.60, with MS/MS Annotation Support. |
Sept. 08, 2008, PREMIER Biosoft Talks About the Advancements in Glycomics and Reaffirms its Business Goals for Glycomics in an Interview Aired by the Impact of Glycomics Radio Show. |
July, 2008, PREMIER Biosoft Successfully Completes the Third and Final Phase of its Software Development Project for DxTerity Diagnostics Inc. to Support Their Innovative NEAT™ Technology. |
June 03, 2008, PREMIER Biosoft and Applied Biosystems/MDS Analytical Technologies Collaborate to Deliver Glycomics Research Solutions. |
April 17, 2008, PREMIER Biosoft Releases SimGlycan® 2.51, with Glycopeptide Analysis. |
Nov. 14, 2007, PREMIER Biosoft Releases PrimerPlex, a Tool for Designing Oligos for a Multiplexed Nucleic Acid Sequences for Use with xMAP® Based Multiplex Array Systems. |
Oct. 30, 2007, PREMIER Biosoft Releases AlleleID® Version 6.00 with Design Support for PamChip® Arrays. |
Oct. 19, 2007, PREMIER Biosoft Joins Microsoft in the BioIT Alliance. |
Aug. 08, 2007, PREMIER Biosoft Announces the Release of a Free Edition of Beacon Designer™. |
May 30, 2007, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Version 5 of AlleleID® with MLPA® Support. |
May 23, 2007, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 2 of SimGlycan® with
Support for Sodium as an Adduct. |
May 16, 2007, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 2 of TMA Foresight,
a Statistical Tool for Tissue Microarray Data Analysis. |
Feb. 24, 2007, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 7 of Beacon Designer™ with
Support for Scorpions® Assays. |
Feb. 15, 2007, PREMIER
Biosoft and PamGene International B.V. Form an Alliance. |
Jan. 15, 2007, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases TMA Foresight, A Statistical
Tool for Tissue Microarray Data Analysis. |
Oct. 16, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft and MRC-Holland Form an Alliance. |
Oct. 09, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases SimGlycan®, an Innovative
Glycan Mass Fingerprinting Tool. |
Sept. 25, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 4 of AlleleID® with Support
for Splice Variant Microarrays. |
Aug. 31, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 6 of Beacon Designer™ with
Support for MethyLight Assays. |
May 01, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 3 of AlleleID®,
a Pathogen Identification System for Real Time PCR
Diagnostic Assays and Microarrays. |
March 26, 2006, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 5.10 of Beacon
Designer with Advanced Support for Multiplexing, Crucial
for Diagnostic Assay Development. |
Dec. 19, 2005, PREMIER
Biosoft Combines the Power of Microarray
Based Detection with qPCR in the New Version Release
of its Pioneering Product AlleleID®. |
May 21, 2005, PREMIER
Biosoft Releases Version 4 of Array
Designer, a Microarray Software for Designing Highly
Specific and Efficient Oligos for Microarrays. |
May 01, 2005, PrimeSyn Lab Inc. and PREMIER Biosoft
Have Entered into a Marketing Agreement. |