November 18, 2010, PREMIER Biosoft Releases SimGlycan® 2.92 with Support for Multi Stage Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis. |
November 11, 2010, PREMIER Biosoft Releases SimLipid, an Innovative Lipid Characterization Software. |
May 24, 2010, PREMIER Biosoft and Waters Collaborate to Deliver MS Data Analysis Solutions. |
April 07, 2010, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Version 2.90 of SimGlycan with High Throughput Data Analysis. |
January 20, 2010, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Beacon Designer 7.70 with Support for High Resolution Melting Analysis (HRMA) Primer Design. |
December 04, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Primer Premier 6.00 with New Primer Search Algorithm for Standard PCR Assays and a Completely New User Interface. |
August 27, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Version 7.50 of AlleleID with Support for Multiplex Strain Differentiation Using xMAP® Assays for Luminex 100, Luminex 200 and Bio-Plex 200 Suspension Array Systems. |
June 23, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft's Free Primer Analysis Tool, NetPrimer, Selected as The Best of The Web By GEN. |
June 01, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Version 4.50 of SimVector with support for Loading Vector NTI® DNA files. |
May 25, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases of the Enterprise Edition of SimGlycan®, an Innovative MS/MS Data Analysis Tool. |
May 18, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases Version 2.00 of PrimerPlex with Support for Using Proven Pre-Designed Oligos and Analyzing SNPs of Medium-Sized Genomes. |
March 05, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases AlleleID® Version 7.01 Offering Enhanced Support for Custom MLPA® Probe Design. |
March 02, 2009, PREMIER Biosoft Releases SimGlycan® Version 2.7, with the Ability to Draw Glycans and Annotate Spectra with Cartoons. |