Products >> Upgrades >> SimMet®
The new version includes:
The new version includes:
SimMet now supports the following:
SimMet now supports the following:
The new version includes the following enhancements:
SimMet has now incorporated an improved peak picking and peak detection algorithm allowing faster processing of LC-MS and MS/MS data. The new proprietary algorithm enables the program to perform peak detection and molecular feature finding for any raw data file at least 3 times faster than the previous versions of the program while ensuring important compounds and their molecular features are not missed out.
Previous Versions >>The SimMet database includes 68,459 metabolite species from various biological sources such as Humans, E.coli. and supports 2,34,284 MS/MS spectra with 354 adducts for 9,390 metabolites from NIST MS/MS databases. Additional biological information such as metabolite common name, systematic name, mass, composition and links to the other databases are also made available for easy reference.
SimMet® offers accurate identification of metabolites by matching observed MS/MS spectra against standard MS/MS spectra of metabolites.
SimMet® accepts experimental mass spectrometry data in standard file formats such as .txt, .xls, .mzData and .mzXML. It can read Thermo Scientific (*.raw) and SCIEX (*.wiff) and Bruker Corporation's (.baf, .yep and .fid) native data files. The program is capable of importing data from complete chromatographic runs i.e up to 200,000 scans.