SimGlycan® Workflow

Glycan Quantitation using AminoxyTMT6 Reporter Ions

SimGlycan supports Mass Spectrometry-based quantitative glycomics workflow using Thermo Scientific™ aminoxyTMT™ (Tandem Mass Tag™) Label Reagents. These reagents enable efficient relative quantitation of glycans, improving labeled-glycan ionization efficiency thereby increasing analytical throughput. Glycans are quantified by measuring reporter ion peak intensities from the corresponding MS/MS spectra. User can specify a tolerance as small as 0.0001. Following extraction of peak intensities, the aminoxyTMT reporter ion signals are adjusted to account for isotopic impurities in each TMT variant. Users can select the sum/average/median reporter ion intensities across all glycan-spectral matches as the quantity of a glycan. Various charts such as bar chart, dot-plot etc. are plotted to facilitate visualization of the quantity of each glycan in different TMT channels and across biological samples.

Key features in the workflow:

  • Model experiment design assigning reporter ions to each biological samples, thereby extracting the reporter ion intensity
  • Multiple statistical approaches(Sum/ Average/Median) to quantify glycans
  • Multiple normalization strategies
  • Various charts such as bar chart, dot-plot etc. for real time comparison between different biological groups or ion channels
  • MS/MS annotation
  • Portable report generation

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