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GlycanExplorer™ Features

Confident High-Throughput Glycan Identification

GlycanExplorer accommodates multiple glycan analysis workflows to help you identify the glycan structures with unparalleled confidence.

  • Using the exact mass of a compound from the experimental MS1 data, the ion species, and other experimental information, the software can predict the candidate glycan structures with confidence.
  • The software can also predict the candidate glycan structures accurately by matching the experimental product ions (from MS/MS scans) with glycan specific in-silico fragments available within its database(s).
  • With the help of built-in or custom created High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HRAM) glycan spectral libraries, the software allows you to identify probable glycans by comparing the experimental MS/MS spectral pattern with that of the reference spectra.
  • The software brings in a unique mechanism of reporting glycan structures that combines the confidence of both in-silico and spectral pattern matching search methods. This workflow identifies the candidate glycans, first by matching the experimental MS/MS fragments with the glycan specific in-silico fragments, then by aligning those experimental spectra against the HRAM reference spectral libraries.

Key Features:

1. Accommodates workflows for MS1 and MS/MS based glycan identification for data generated by direct infusion-, LC-, MALDI- MS/MS workflows.

2. Supports all major Reducing End Fluorophores such as 2-Aminobenzamide (2-AB), 2-Aminobenzoic acid (2-AA), GlycoWorks RapiFluor-MS, Procainamide (ProcA), etc.

3. Analyze data with multiple ion species combinations in one go.

4. Facility to set thresholds score for high-confidence glycan identification.

5. Multiple filters to reduce false positives.



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