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GlycanExplorer™ Features

Real-time Optimization

Real-time optimization is indispensable in the laboratory studies to correct errors, and achieve the expected output in a considerably lesser time. GlycanExplorer offers the functionality for you to rerun an analysis over a dataset with a set of optimized search criteria such as, retention time tolerance for isomeric grouping, glycan grouping, normalization strategies etc., without overwriting the results of the previous analysis. You can therefore analyze the results obtained under different sets of parameters to quickly draw meaningful inferences. Additionally, GlycanExplorer allows you to generate interactive charts and plots to review the output of an analysis, and to optimize the search parameters best suited for your data.

Key Features:

1. Multiple parameters to fine-tune the optimized search results.

2. Interactive charts and plots to review parameters.

3. Save optimized parameter set as a new method for future use.

Real Time Optimization

Real Time Optimization of your Glycan Analysis



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