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Primer Premier


Primer Premier 6.25 Released

The upgrade accommodates the latest genomic databases available at the NCBI-BLAST server and the recent changes made by NCBI on its web sites and services to improve security and privacy.

Primer Premier 6.24 Released

As per the US government mandate, NCBI has made changes on its web sites and services to improve the security and privacy. Primer Premier 6.24 accommodates these changes.

Primer Premier 6.23 Released

The upgrade accommodates the latest genomic databases available at the NCBI-BLAST server and fixes to reported problems.

Primer Premier 6.22 Released

Latest changes to the genomic databases of NCBI-BLAST along with fixes to reported problems are accommodated in this version.

Primer Premier 6.21 Released

The upgrades accommodates latest changes at the NCBI BLAST, including latest genomic databases and fixes to reported problems.

The version is now compatible with Mavericks, Mac OS X 10.9.

Primer Premier 6.20 Released

The upgrade accommodates the latest genomic databases available at the NCBI BLAST server and fixes to reported problems. The version is now compatible with Windows 8.

Primer Premier 6.12 Released

The latest changes at the NCBI BLAST, including latest genomic databases and fixes to reported problems are also accommodated.

Primer Premier 6.11 Released

The upgrade offers compatibility with Lion, Mac OS X 10.7.

The latest changes at the NCBI BLAST, including latest genomic databases and fixes to reported problems are also accommodated.

Primer Premier 6.10 Released

Primer Premier now offers complete control over primer design and design parameters in your hands. Using the manual primer search option, you can click any nucleotide on the template sequence to get primers at the location of your choice. Primer Premier designs a primer with its 3' end located at that nucleotide and analyzes its properties instantly, helping you decide the best possible design given the needs of the experiment. The length of the primer can also be increased/decreased, per your convenience.

Sequence editing is now possible. Unwanted regions of sequences can be removed or manipulated.

Primer Premier enables setting a minimum distance between alternate amplicons which makes it possible for you to cover different regions of the sequence and zero-in on the best possible design.

Pre-designed or published primers can now be analyzed in any orientation for a chosen template sequence. The program specifies if the primers are homologous to the sequence in forward, reverse, complementary or reverse-complementary orientations. Pre-designed primers can be analyzed with respect to a template sequence even with mismatches. Primer Premier compiles a list of all possible primer binding sites.

Primer Premier 6.00 Released

Primer Premier now comes with a new improved graphical user interface, making PCR primer design both intuitive and easy for users.

The primer search algorithm is improved considerably to avoid homologies and template structures, making the primers designed by Primer Premier highly specific and efficient. The primer specificity can be ascertained using verification BLAST.

Primer Premier can now help design 10-plex multiplex assay.

Pre-designed primers or published primers can now be analyzed. Primer Premier can even design a compatible primer given a forward or reverse primer.

With a sequence view now available, its easy to visualize the designed primers with respect to the sequence. You can copy-paste sequences from the view and analyze them in the program as well.

Primer Premier has enhanced sequence import limits. You can work with 5MB of sequence at a time and a total of 15MB of sequence can be loaded.

Support for latest operating systems for both Windows and Macintosh.

Primer Design for Standard PCR Assays

Primer Premier is the most comprehensive software to design and analyze PCR primers.

Primer Premier's search algorithm finds optimal PCR, multiplex and SNP genotyping primers with the most accurate melting temperature using the nearest neighbor thermodynamic algorithm. Primers are screened for secondary structures, dimers, hairpins, homologies and physical properties before reporting the best ones for your sequence, in ranked order. Equipped with a handy calculator, you can easily manipulate sequences and analyze the results of your primer design.

Primer Design for SNP Genotyping Assays

With Primer Premier, you can load sequences from dbSNP and have the primers designed flanking the SNP selected. Hundreds of unpublished SNPs can also be loaded by specifying them as variation features in standard GenBank/dbSNP files. After specifying the SNPs, primers can be designed to amplify them for detection using a probe-based chemistry.


  • New Improved Search Algorithms
  • Automatic Sequence Retrieval
  • Automatic Homology & Template Structure Avoidance
  • Evaluate Pre-designed Primers
  • Manual Primer Search
  • Edit Template Sequence
  • Sequence View
  • Generate Report
  • Local & Desktop BLAST Options
  • Calculator
  • Data & Database Management


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